Mother’s Day Special: Chhavi Hussein on motherhood and the importance of hygiene
Real StoriesWellness

Mother’s Day Special: Chhavi Hussein on motherhood and the importance of hygiene

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We spoke to a special guest this Mother’s Day – former actor, Chhavi Hussein. Chhavi is now the co-founder of Shitty Ideas Trending and a proud mother of two.

Chhavi shared with us fond memories of her daughter Areeza’s birth, her personal hygiene routine, and how every mother should always be aware of her daughter’s health and hygiene

Read on to find out more. 

1. Please tell us a little about yourself

I am an explorer and am still trying to get to know myself. If professionally is what you’re asking then my journey began as an actor and among many different things I went to writing and content creating. I co-founded Shitty Ideas Trending with my husband in 2015 and Being Woman in 2018.

2. Could you talk about your first moment with your daughter? What about it do you remember fondly? 

Areeza is now 8 years old. When she was born, I was so clueless as to what being a mother is, that after the 24 hours of labour and 1 whole hour of pushing, I didn’t even remember if I delivered a girl or a boy. I can never forget the doctor holding her and taking her away to clean her up, and those big black eyes staring in my direction, wide open. After a few minutes the doctor asked if we would like to know whether it’s a girl or a boy! That’s how we knew that it was Areeza who was born. The next thing I know, Areeza was all wrapped up and in my arms trying to develop her first skill, suckling. 

4. What are the most important factors that come to your mind when you think about your daughter’s health? 

Her diet concerns me the most. She’s a poor eater and I struggle to innovate with the food I put on her plate in order to ensure that she grows up to be a strong woman.

Chhavi Hussein on Motherhood and the Importance of Hygiene - In Sync Blog by Nua

5. Has the importance of hygiene come up in conversations? If so, does she practice a routine?  

Areeza maintains very good hygiene and I make sure that it is one thing I will never have to worry about.

6. Do you think you will put an intimate hygiene routine in place once your daughter is of the menstruating age? 

That goes without saying. As a mother it’s my responsibility to educate her about the best hygiene practices while menstruating.

7. Do you practice any intimate hygiene routine? If so could you share it with us? 

I am careful about the toilets I use and don’t shy away from cleaning even public loos if I or Areeza have to use them. I always carry a toilet seat sanitizer and wet wipes. A feminine hygiene wash is a part of my daily routine, and I up the usage during that time of the month.

8. Were you told by your mother on how to practice these routines? Do you think it will have any effect on how you will guide your daughter? 

I think back in the day, these things were neither so openly spoken about nor were there too many hygiene products available in the market. My mother did her best in the options then available but keeping in sync with the current times, every mother should stay updated with the new entrants in the market.

  • As told to Nua
1 posts

Chhavi Hussein

About author
Chhavi Hussein is the co-founder of Shitty Ideas Trending, a digital production company, along with her husband Mohit Hussein.
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