Period myths are just as old as periods itself. And the funny part is some of them still exist. While we have come a very long way with our conversation around periods, there are still some misconceptions that are believed by people around the world even today.
Let’s look at some menstrual myths practiced around the world:
Menstruating women can wither crops and dry the seeds- Ancient Rome
In Ancient Rome, it was believed that menstruating women could rot crops, dry down the seeds, cause fruit to fall from the trees and even result in killing bees. This claim was made by Pliny the Elder, a Roman statesman and scholar.
The practice of ‘Chaupadi’- Nepal
The ‘chaupadi’ ritual in Nepal doesn’t allow women to participate in family functions while they are menstruating. Women are made to isolate themselves and live in a secluded room either on one corner of the house or outside the house. A similar practice is followed in many Indian households, even today.
Menstruation myths followed in U.S
The United States of America holds amusing and unrealistic period myths. Some of them were:
- Women should avoid camping because menstruating women could attract bears
- Women were said to not travel to space as it was believed lack of gravity would cause the blood to flow back.
- Having period sex can kill your partner- Poland
In Poland, it was believed that period sex is unhealthy for the couple and can eventually kill the partner. This has no genuine proof as having sex during periods on the contrary is known to help with period cramps.
Myths are present in every corner of the world but that doesn’t make them relevant. Bursting such period myths becomes important to end spreading period misinformation and lasting silence around them.
Let’s get InSync and celebrate periods and debunk more myths from here.
I absolutely loved this article. The style of writing is wonderful and it was a joy to read it.
It is sad how menstruation has been turned into something close to a sin in today’s society. We need to rise up and do what we can to change that mindset.
It is amazing article.. finally something which I have been telling from years. There are still places in our country who follows this rituals also some ladies from reptuted houses in cities who does believe in long followed myths..
We need to convey this message to all